Zrinski Frankopan
Croatian Folkore Ensemble

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News & Updates
Please note that from 2020, all Zrinski news and updates are being shared via our Instagram page. An archive of these updates is accessible directly on our home page (bottom right under "News & Updates").

December 20, 2019
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
We at Zrinksi Frankopan would like to wish everyone much joy, peace and happiness this holiday season, and a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

October 27, 2019
Zrinski's Oktoberfesta Konobazelt the newest hit!
Every year, our Zrinksi Frankopan team manages to outdo themselves yet again, and this year was no different. Inspired by the Hippodrome "Zelt" at the Wiesn in Munich and authentic Croatian "konobas", Zrinski launched its newest Konobazelt theme that was a mass hit with the sold out crowd. A luscious spread inspired by Croatian and German traditions and authentic Oktoberfest competitions that got the crowd cheering, kicked off the night with a great atmosphere that lasted well into the early morning hours. What will Zrinski have in store for next year? Make sure to get your tickets next year to find out!

September 08, 2019
Calling all dancers, new and old!!! Registration for the 2019/2020 dance season is now open!
It's time to break out your opanke or dancing shoes. Come join us on Tuesday September 10th as we start another exciting dance season. Registration is now open and we look forward to seeing our old members as well as welcoming new faces to the group. Whether you're an experienced dancer or someone just beginning to learn, we look forward to having you join. Join us for a season filled with laughs, good times and intense workouts!

September 29, 2018
Ein Prosit! Zrinski Frankopan toasts to another Croatian Oktoberfest
Marking the kick-off of Oktoberfest across the world, Zrinksi Frankopan delivered another Bavarian-inspired fun-filled celebration, laced with a few dashes of Croatian spice. To find out this winning combination, you'll just have to attend next year!

June 02, 2018
Zrinski Frankopan teams with Air Canada to celebrate inaugural flight
June 2nd marked the send off of Air Canada's inaugural flight from Toronto to Zagreb. Members of Zrinski Frankopan helped commemorate the long-awaited launch in true Croatian fashion, entertaining the passengers, officials and passers-by with a traditional Croatian 'kolo' and song.

October 30, 2017
Zrinski Frankopan puts a Croatian twist on Oktoberfest
This weekend, Zrinksi Frankopan and friends showed the world how to celebrate Oktoberfest Croatian-style! In true Oktoberfest spirit, the crowd danced the night away and joined in the Wiesn classic "Ein Prosit", raising their glasses throughout the night to toast each other good health and good cheer. The sold out event was a smashing success, so remember to get your tickets early next year!

September 24, 2017
Oktoberfešta Tickets Now on Sale
On October 28th, Zrinksi Frankopan will host its third annual Croatian-style Oktoberfešta event. Mark your calendars and come join us for a night of fun and laughs, and help us show the world how Croatians celebrate Oktoberfest! Tickets are now available and can be purchased by emailing us at info.zrinskifrankopan@gmail.com. Seating is limited, so make sure to get your tickets soon. We look forward to seeing you there!

September 06, 2017
ZF Registration Now Open: Come Out and Join the Fun!
Come join us next Tuesday as we kick off our 2017/2018 dance season. Registration is now open and we look forward to welcoming both old and new faces to the group. Whether you're an old pro or kolo newbie, we don't discriminate. All that's important is your love of the dance. Join us and we guarantee you'll experience a season filled with laughs, good times and intense workouts!
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